When you write a book, it’s not the end of the story. However, it is the most critical and difficult thing. So, if you have written a book and published it, the next step you need to do is marketing. Marketing is very crucial in this day and age. Things have changed when compared to the past. Nowadays, the marketplace has become saturated. If you want to stand, doing marketing of your products is very important. Many services, products, and even humans are underrated today. One big reason is that their marketing is not as good compared to other people in the same business. In the past, marketing did not have as much competition as today. There are also many ways to market a product, and you have to choose wisely depending on what you want to promote.
This blog post will teach you how to market your book in 2022.
If we publish our books by traditional publishers, we don’t have to make lots of efforts to promote it, since the publisher would do this task. However, you need to do essential marketing for it nevertheless. But if you self-publish a book or indie publish it, marketing by your end is crucial.
6 Basic Ways to Market a Book
1. SEO (Search Engine Optimise) your book
If you have written a book, the first most effective and low-cost investment is to optimize your book for search engines. You can do it by making a website for your book, with your name or your book name. You can SEO your website, and when it appears in the search results, people will click on it to see your book. SEO doesn’t cost you a lot of money, but it costs time and effort. You can either sell your book on your website. You can provide a link for your book on your website that goes to amazon or another vendor where people can buy your book.
Side Benefits
One significant benefit for making a website to promote and sell your book is that you can also get passive income if you run ads on your website. However, we don’t recommend doing this because it looks like less quality work if we load a website with lots of ads. But you can neatly put ads on your blog. We recommend using only one or two ads. Moreover, you start affiliate marketing for your book.
2. Paid Video Advertisements
When you watch videos online, ads come at the beginning, where sometimes people talk about their products and services. Similarly, you can make good advertisements for your book. Your ad must be unique and impressive to insist people buy your book. If you can’t speak effectively, you can make animated or picture ads. Making ads can take a reasonable budget and creativity, as creating ads is an art.
3. Asking for Reviews
It is not an effective step if you only send your book for reviews to your family, relatives, and friends’ circle. You can reach out nicely to influencers, famous bloggers, and people who hold importance in society and ask them if they would like to read and review your book.
4. Email Marketing
Email marketing is also very effective. Have you ever seen universities, online platforms, and blog websites sending you emails about their new products and promotions? You can use beautiful email templates to write good sale copies for your book and send it to the people who have subscribed to your list. It’s best to hire a copywriter for it. You can also send emails if someone hasn’t subscribed. But include the unsubscribe button in the email if they want to stop receiving emails, as they haven’t subscribed to it.
5. Promote on Every Platform
Until you don’t experiment and test, you don’t discover things. That’s why it’s important to market your book on every medium and every platform and see what works the best. Remember, it also depends on the book. If one of your books has become famous by a specific marketing strategy, it doesn’t mean others would get the same results. However, some basic rules can remain constant.
6. Good Book Cover
Last but not least, book covers can be critical. It can attract people towards it if they see it online or in bookshops.
Why Hire a Professional Marketer?
If you want to promote your book, you can adopt the ways mentioned above. You can also reach out to affordable and professional book marketing services to market your book. They use various social media platforms and leverage all the latest digital technologies, such as email, RSS feeds, video, mobile devices, and apps, to promote your book. However, they also face a major challenge: delivering a consistent quality service at affordable rates.
So, we have discussed some simple and effective ways that can help you promote your book. You can also reach out to any good marketing service provider. The decision to choose a book marketing service can be difficult. There are many options, and it is important to consider your goals when selecting one. An author should consider the following when choosing a book marketing service:
- How much they charge
- What services do they provide
- The turnaround time for promotions.
- Book Marketing Service’s success rate
- Their number of clients
- Their experience in the industry
- Reviews on social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram