If you’re new to Texas Hold Em, it is essential to learn the different hands and their rankings. After all, how can you play if you don’t know what beats what?
This guide will walk you through everything you need to know about {{Texas Hold Em hands}}, from the basics of the hierarchy to some helpful tips. By the end, you’ll be a Texas Hold Em pro!
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Different Types of Hand Rankings
The first thing to understand is that Texas Hold Em has different types of hands. These are:
High card: A hand consisting of any combination of cards that do not form any other type of hand. The highest card in the hand is the “high card.”
One pair: A hand consisting of two cards of the same rank, plus three other random cards. For example, a hand with two 7s would be a one pair hand.
Two pair: A hand consisting of two sets of pairs, plus one other random card. For example, a hand with two 7s and two 3s would be a two pair hand.
Three of a kind: A hand consisting of three cards of the same rank, plus two other random cards. For example, a hand with three 7s would be a three of a kind hand.
Straight: A hand consisting of five cards in sequential order, regardless of suit. For example, a hand with the cards 7, 8, 9, 10, and Jack would be a straight.
Flush: A hand consisting of five cards of the same suit, regardless of rank. For example, a hand with the 4, 6, 8, 10, and Jack, all of clubs, would be a flush.
Full house: A hand consisting of three of a kind plus a pair. For example, a hand with three 7s and two 3s would be a full house.
Four of a kind: A hand consisting of four cards of the same rank, plus one other random card. For example, a hand with four 7s would be a four of a kind hand.
Straight flush: A hand consisting of five cards in sequential order, all of the same suit. For example, a hand with 7, 8, 9, 10, and Jack, all of clubs, would be a straight flush.
Royal flush: The best possible hand in Texas Hold Em, consisting of the Ace, King, Queen, Jack, and 10, all of the same suit. For example, a hand with the cards Ace, King, Queen, Jack, and 10, all of clubs, would be a royal flush.
Now that we’ve gone over the different types of hand rankings, let’s talk about the hierarchy. In Texas Hold Em, the rank of the hands is as follows (from highest to lowest):
- Royal flush
- Straight flush
- Four of a kind
- Full house
- Flush
- Straight
- Three of a kind
- Two pair
- One pair
- High card
This is the standard hierarchy that is used in most poker games. However, it’s important to note that there are Texas Hold Em variations where the hierarchy is different. It’s always important to check the game’s rules before you start playing! You can also practice playing {{poker online for free}} to familiarize yourself with the hand rankings.

Tips for Playing Texas Hold Em
Now that you know the basics of hand rankings and hierarchy, let’s move on to some tips for playing Texas Hold Em. These tips will help you make the best decisions at the table and give you a better chance of winning!
1. Start low
If you’re new to Texas hold em, it’s a good idea to start by playing at a low stakes table. This will help you learn the ropes without risking too much money. As you gain experience, you can gradually increase your bets until you’re ready to play for real money.
2. Know when to fold
One of the most important things to remember when playing Texas Hold Em poker online is that you can’t win every hand. Sometimes you have a poor hand, and the best thing to do is simply fold and save your chips for another round. Don’t get discouraged if you lose a hand – remember that the key is to play smart and make the best decisions.
3. Don’t be afraid to bluff
Bluffing is a vital part of any poker game, and Texas Hold Em is no exception. If you have a poor hand, sometimes the best thing to do is to try and bluff your way to victory. Of course, you need to be careful with this strategy – if you’re caught bluffing, you could lose a lot of poker chips.
4. Pay attention to the other players
One of the best ways to improve your chances of winning is to pay attention to the other players at the poker table. Try to get a read on their playing style, and see if you can spot any tells that might give you an idea of what they’re holding. The more information you have, the better decisions you’ll be able to make. You can also try out free poker games online to hone your skills.

Final Thoughts
Texas Hold Em is a fast-paced, exciting card game for both beginners and experienced players. There are plenty of strategies involved in this high-energy betting tournament that will keep you on your toes!
By following the tips in this article, you’ll be well on your way to becoming a Texas Hold Em pro! Remember, practice makes perfect, so start playing today at GGPoker and see how well you can do!